Like Sharpay Evans once said, “out with the old, in with the new.” We’re sure you’ve noticed something new about HanaHaus, you must be curious to learn more. So here’s the inside scoop!
In order to truly push HanaHaus forward in its evolution, we realized it was time for a change. Not just any change – a full-blown transformation! A digital makeover if you will. In a collaborative effort between HanaHaus and the SAP Strategic Projects Team within the SAP New Ventures and Technology (NVT) organization, a new vision for reserving workspace was brought to life! Introducing the brand new online HanaHaus booking experience, crafted in-house and powered by the cutting-edge SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP).
Search by Availability.
Stop guessing if a meeting room is booked or not! We implemented an interactive time bar tool, so you can quickly search and space by availability!
Manage Your Reservation.
Need to make a few changes? You also can now edit, extend, or cancel reservations in a few simple stepsclicks.
Plan an Event With Us.
Ready to host a professional event? We simplified the process and made it easier than ever to plan, manage and execute your own events at HanaHaus.
Submit an inquiry through our new online platform and the system will automatically produce a comprehensive event checklist to guide you throughout your journey.
To be a best-in class coworking space, the entire experience needs to be simple, beautiful, and frictionless. Now with the seamless integration of SAP technology, we feel empowered to deliver an unparalleled, high-quality experience just for you. We are confident that our new digital experience will redefine the future of HanaHaus and elevate our workspace to the next level.
This milestone wouldn't have been possible without the incredible support of our cherished HanaHaus community.
We know the system is not perfect yet, so we encourage any feedback you’d like to leave us so we can continue to make improvements. We express our sincerest gratitude for making this journey with us and we appreciate the patience and understanding along the way!
What about: Our new online reservation experience, set to redefine the future of HanaHaus and elevate your workspace experience. This milestone wouldn't have been possible without the incredible support of our cherished HanaHaus community. We express our sincerest gratitude for making this journey with us. Visit our website and share your valuable feedback to help us improve!